OK, so this is my first post.
I am pretty much posting to myself, so I guess I can say anything at this point.
The question that's in my head is why I am starting this blog? Do I have time to keep a blog? I know that the way to make a blog work is to post witty, relevant and interesting pieces of information that my audience will enjoy. And to do this every day.
At this point it feels like this blogging lark involves more commitment to this than most relationships..
So why am I doing it?
Honestly? Because I've written a novel and because I want a place I can post updates on my writing and to create a place where anyone who's reading it can share their thoughts with me and others and let me know what that think and we can talk about other books too and share recommendations with each other on writing and reading. Oh, and that hopefully more people will buy it.
It's called The Other Boy, by the way. Here's the link to it on Amazon...
And no, not all the reviews are my friends!
So there you go, that's the first post over with. I guess I'll be back soon, if anyone is out there, do say hi...